Fighting harmful green house gas emissions together..

The primary focus of this article is to display and provide building owners multiple venues of profit and good will towards our environment at the same time. Please read further as it is my intention to show the many benefits where proper real estate practices and sound engineering makes for an excellent exit, sale strategy.

Harmful CO2 Emissions

Gas and oil fossil fuel pollution created by buildings occurs primarily for the production of potable hot water and space heat.

The Victory Lane Offer is a transparent purchase and sale contract custom assembled to enhance seller wealth and defer capital gains via 1031 tax exchange program.

Time proven fluid-based solar and geothermal systems are clean AIR solutions.

Clean Air Solutions A fresh new approach to protecting our environment with pioneering real estate contracts.

Sometimes a building reaches a point where band-aids just simply won’t work anymore.

Your building maybe in the rejuvenation cycle?

Building Eco-Modernization

Building Eco-Modernization

A no-nonsense, private Victory Lane purchase and sale agreement is designed for seller satisfaction and rapid modernization to decrease fossil fuel pollution.

Eco-Offer Introduction

Base Eco-Offer Introduction



If you are interested in selling your building for profit and anxious to combat
CO2 pollution please call 206-245-0159 and or email [email protected] for
a forthright exploratory conversation. I hope you can appreciate
Victory Lane Blueprints below depicting horizontal and vertical applications
designed for “zero or minimum” fossil-fuel burning.



Pre-Fabricated Plumbing & Heating

Pre-Fabricated Plumbing & Heating

Vintage Building

Seattle Vintage Building

Plug and play equipment provides for greater quality and a faster field installation. The modernization will increase value. Instant hot water delivery will decrease water consumption. Increased revenue streams, property appreciation and end-user satisfaction makes for a healthy performing instrument.

Blueprint heating and plumbing designs allow for maximum efficiency on energy and great return on your investment. The Blueprint Cage designs can be adapted to many different energy sources. Our custom-tailored solutions meet all applicable construction codes and/or any particular site needs.

Eco-Village Alternative Energy Horizontal Application

Community w/No Fossil Fuel Pollution

Building Alternative Energy Vertical Application

Building Alternative Energy

A real estate transaction of this nature allows the seller to capture part of the after  improvements value without cash outlay. After value + As-Is Value = Sales Price.










Once modernization and purchase and sale is complete a Climate Protection Award is  presented and promoted to other building owner/managers.

Permission-based press releases are posted for public notice to encourage others to profit while enacting the smartest alternative energy systems.

I am a big fan of any organizations that want to promote and reward independent scientific thinking and research on reducing pollution. We can dramatically reduce fossil fuel pollution by implementing smart applications of business and mechanical science (my two favorite topics).


A winning strategy

Greater Seattle/Bellevue – King County – Commercial Real Estate

  –  WA state licensed real estate firm. If you are interested in reading more similar articles or just interested in making contact click here.  We can collaborate via phone, email, texting and or even video conferencing. You can also visit our Seattle office by appointment please at 11352 15th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98125  C-102. Our mailing and package delivery box is at 12345 Lake City Way NE, Seattle, WA 98125 PMB # 408

Victory Lane Holdings, llc dba Victory Lane Brokerage is a registered WA State licensed Real Estate firm.

About Victory Lane

Headquartered in Seattle, WA. We acquire, finance, design, permit, develop
and operate commercial properties. Our cornerstone service is re-engineering the
buildings energy and water conservation systems. By integrating smart, textbook fluid dynamics (plumbing & heating) we eliminate or greatly reduce fossil fuel emissions from subject property.

Victor J. Hernandez, CIPE, CNE, CPD

Victor J. Hernandez, CIPE, CNE, CPD Managing Real Estate Broker Seattle, WA

Quote of the day – “The environment is where we all meet; where all of us have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” — Lady Bird Johnson

Wikipedia fluid dynamic technical reference links: