Discover the Benefits of our Consultation Services
Consulting Services
Commercial Real Estate & Transactions
Project Management
Broker Price Opinions
Wealth Strategy
Building Energy & Maintenance
Commercial Real Estate Consultation for New Development & Repositioning Victory Lane Real Estate Consultants are accomplished and visionary business professionals with a wide variety of core competencies and experience. We provide collaborative research and analysis reports for developers to make strategic investment decisions. We usually hear about the developer and architect in development but seldom do we about the real estate consultant. In many cases, the entrepreneurial broker was the first to lock in and initiate entitlements towards best-use.
Investors and builders are making decisions in a market where material and labor costs are at all-time high with no end in sight. Fundamental shifts in demographics like like work/live liftstyles and let us not forget to mention the natural uncertainty in the days of Covid-19 would give anyone hesitation. Never more has the need for intense planning in the early stage of development.
Our diverse consulting services extend much further than just a base real estate analysis. We provide world class building designs with a cornerstone in alternative energies (solar/geothermal) using fluid dynamics as heat transfer medium.
A victory lanes consultant works with developers in new construction and building owners in repositioning. We conduct unique feasibility and competitive analysis reports while frequently assembling the architects and engineering design teams that will complete the project. Every project is different with many variables. We often work through to project completion and beyond. Such as project management, lease up, and ultimately sales.
You are welcomed to experience our team of industry experts to provide comprehensive focus on the following:
- investMENT analysis
- development analysis
- lease analysis
- hold vs sell analysis
- buy vs lease analysis
- income/expense comparison
- sales lease back analysis
- budget forecast comparisons
- goal seeking finance structuring
- best use analysis
- risk analysis
- joint venture analysis
- alternative energy analysis
Example Report

Consulting Services
Commerical Real Estate & Transactions
Project Management
Broker Price Opinions
Wealth Strategy
Building Energy & Maintenace
Commercial Real Estate Consultation for New Development & Repositioning Victory Lane Real Estate Consultants are accomplished and visionary business professionals with a wide variety of core competencies and experience. We provide collaborative research and analysis reports for developers to make strategic investment decisions. We usually hear about the developer and arhitect in development but seldom do we about the real estate consultant. In many cases the entrepreneurial broker was the first to lock in and initiate entitlements towards best-use.
Investors and builders are making decisions in a market where material and labor costs are at all-time high with no end in sight. Fundamental shifts in demographics like like work/live liftstyles and let us not forget to mention the natural uncertainty in the days of Covid 19 would give anyone hesitation. Never more has the need for intense planning in the early stage of development.
Our diverse consulting services extend much further than just a base real estate analysis. We provide world class building designs witha cornerstone in alternative energies (solar/geothermal) using fluid dynamics as heat transfer medium.
A victory lanes consultant works with developers in new construction and building owners in repositioning. We conduct unique feasibility and competitive analysis reports while frequently assembling the architects and engineering design teams that will complete the project. Every project is different with many variables. We often work though to project completion and beyond. Such as: project management, lease up, and ultimately sales.
You are welcomed to experience our team of industry experts to provide comprehensive focus on invest analysis, development analysis, lease analysis, hold vs sell analysis, buy vs lease analysis, income/expense comparison, sales leaase back analysis, budget forecast comparisons, goal seeking, finance structuring, best use analysis, risk analysis, joint venture analysis, alternative energy analysis.
- invest analysis
- development analysis
- lease analysis
- hold vs sell analysis
- buy vs lease analysis
- income/expense comparison
- sales lease back analysis
- budget forecast comparisons
- goal seeking finance structuring
- best use analysis
- risk analysis
- joint venture analysis
- alternative energy analysis
Example Report

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Commercial Real Estate



1031 Exchange
The Victory Lane Consultant has built a reputation helping Investors and Developers make data driven decisions.
We normally approach our consulting assignments in the Project Conception and Pre-Development phase. We then offer our real estate brokerage services for lease up, property management and sales whenever requested. The Victory Lane Business Development Team can provide collaborative contract services for entitlements and construction. Good business with like minded professionals can be fun and most profitable. Contact our team today for your next commercial real estate project.

We normally approach our consulting assignments in the Project Conception and Pre-Development phase. We then offer our real estate brokerage services for lease up, property management and sales whenever requested. The Victory Lane Business Development Team can provide collaborative contract services for entitlements and construction. Good business with like minded professionals can be fun and most profitable. Contact our team today for your next commercial real estate project.